Family Values And Gender Roles

The world seems to be in awe at the high divorce rate hitting the western world today. However, many fail to see the relation between gender roles in the family and how they affect the dynamics of the family unit. While many will agree that it is okay for mothers to have a career, those who are more conservative have reservations about the woman bringing in money to the home. The reason for this is because the bread winner has always been seen as the one with the authority in the home. Is this true? If not, how can families find an equilibrium regarding this issue?

Wives and mothers who work

In the world we live in today, it is perfectly normal—and sometimes essential—that wives and mothers contribute to the finances of the home. Mothers actually see much virtue in being able to raise a family, while maintaining a career at the same time. But has this become disruptive in the way marriages operate? Do women see themselves as superior to men due to societal feminism and their contribution to the home?

Who wears the pants?

Unfortunately, many women have adopted the attitude of having more authority than their husbands. The problem with this is that men were designed to be leaders in their homes. To have this authority usurped will often result in the man feeling emasculated and the marriage ending in divorce.


The proper way to view a marriage is not that one spouse has more authority than the other, but that both parties are in a partnership. Good communication between spouses will result in relatively smooth parenting and career management for both. If a good partnership is in place, the husband will never feel as if he is out of control of the home, and the wife will feel as if she also has a say because she is contributing to the family.

Gender roles have changed and men can no longer expect to be the sole authority in their homes. Wives should have their say, whether they are contributing from a financial aspect, or even from a parenting aspect. That being said, there needs to be balance both ways. Neither the husband nor the wife should feel as if they have the right to trump the other one’s authority. A partnership is just that—everything should be decided and agreed upon by both spouses.