Find inspiration for your paper by using online essay examples

If you are having trouble finding inspiration for your paper you can get help by using online essay examples. By reviewing essay examples from the internet you can better acquaint yourself with the styles required for your particular essay as well as different topics.

If you are having difficulty coming up with a topic or a thesis statement it might behoove you to look over the examples below and see if anything strikes you:

  • Write about whether there should be mandatory conscriptions for the U.S. military and for whom they should exist
  • Research what safety measures have been incorporated into the Canadian mining industry to ensure accidents are non-fatal and compare them to the standards implemented in the U.S. where almost all mining accidents are fatal
  • Evaluate whether stay-at-home-mothers should get a salary from their government
  • Discuss whether the media--both broadcast and print--report information fairly and whether it ever crosses the line between actually reporting the news and creating it. Review who pays for air time and what owners are behind the companies or conglomerates who pay for ad time.
  • Should people who are thin have to pay for the health costs of those who are obese? Should people who are clinically obese pay a higher medical premium?

After reviewing these example topics above and looking at different online essay examples you should take a few moments to brainstorm what items you took away from your reading. It helps to solidify new information if you write it down. Certain new vocabulary words you may have picked up should be written down. Different formats and sentence structures should be noted. These notes can come in handy when you sit down to write your essay.

If this does not give you the inspiration you need to get started then take some time to reflect on your topic and any previous readings you have done for your class. Look over class notes and flip through any class texts. There is likely to be something in it that struck you when you first learned it/read it. Whatever stands out the most is something that you should consider for your paper topic.

After all if you have a passion for it then you will find the research and writing of the paper will come much easier to you compared to a topic you hate.