best ideas for your essay
There is a new movement among teachers called modeling. When a student models, he or she uses an example as a guide. This means that a perfect paper or outline is shown to the student, and that student tries to model his or her work after the perfect example. There are several ways in which you can use an example to your advantage. And you can get examples from your teacher, from a writing company, from a friend, online, or from a tutor. You can use the examples to help you with your introduction, to aid you with the body of your paper, to show you how to write a conclusion, or to show you how properly placed support looks in a paper.
An introduction is important because it grabs your reader or listeners attention. It needs to be strong, have a hook, and include the thesis statement. Looking at a sample as you write the introduction can be very beneficial to the process.
As you write the main body, you will need support, fluid sentences, and transitions. If you model as you write, learning all of these things will be much easier on you. You can actually see a body of a paper and try to make sure your body looks the same way.
You want the conclusion to be strong just like the introduction. You will make a universal statement and you will restate the thesis statement. If you are able to see a successful conclusion, your job will be much easier.
Some students struggle with in-text citations and avoiding plagiarism. If you are able to look at a paper that has the correct support with the correct citations, your job will be easier. Seeing is believing in his case.
Writing teachers swear by the modeling technique. Using it makes better writers. If you are able to use a free sample as a model, you can get help with your introduction, your main body, your conclusion, and your intext citations in your paper. The job of writing your essay will be much easier to do. You can look online, ask your tutor, ask a writing company, or ask your teacher if you can have a sample to model your paper by the next time you have one due.
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